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Prodject Quality

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Consider how Waterfall Project Quality is worked into the Projects

Quality level

Quality Plan

Quality Assurance

Plan for Quality

  1. Clarify Roles and Responsibilities for Quality leading

  2. Clarify tools and techniques to be used in the project

  3. What kind of testing environment is required (physical and program test environments)

  4. When will the team measure Quality and how

  5. What will be inspected and tested

  6. In what way will defects be tracked and reported

  7. How will the deliveries be validated

  8. Present a wordlist of Quality Assurance words

Quality Assurance plan

  • In some companies you have a checklist describing what needs to be reported at a certain stage of the project, to support future activities with lessons learned from previous projects

  • Make sure that this list is updated regularly

  • Make sure that knowledge from old projects is taken into acount e.g. by meeting with previous Project Leaders (useful even if the list exists)

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Steering group and/or sponsor

The Steering group and/or sponsor is there to support the project


To pass a predefined checkpoint (decision between the Project and the Steering

-  Everything is fulfilled up to the checkpoint – if not fulfilled there needs to be a
    timeplan on how the Project can catch up (does the project need extra
    resources or help in any other way from the steering group?

-  What needs to be fullfilled up to the next checkpoint? (based on the process
    description and the delayed activities from this checkpoint).

If decisions need to be taken that are not beneficial to your home organisation, the project is priority one

Presentation of Waterfall Project Quality. The corresponding PPP is for sale and contains more detailed information 


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