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Is one way to develop yourself

- but there are more ways, let's start with putting Training into a context

Develop yourself

Competence Development_edited.jpg

Develop your skills continuously to get to the top - or to  remain there


There are different ways to develop yourself


How do you learn

 (The picture is built on the results from Research of creative leadership)

The best results are achieved when they all work together


This is concentrated on training and the material in Building blocks and Company Philosophy are prepared to be able to perform training

  • Power Point Presentations

  • Spoken word to present the PPP

So training is just one way to develop

Remember 5 factors when you teach

  • Catch the attention

  • Seduce the brain, ensure to toutch the audience's feelings and make the subject relevant

  • Give time and possibility for the audience to think for themselves

  • Ask for response from the audience

  • Test the newly learned information, throw questions or practice.

To achieve dialogue and participation the following methods can be used:

  1. Talk with a friend (beehive)

  2. Talking stick 

  3. Reflect individually - Pair up - All together

  4. Reflecting teams

  5. World café

  6. 4 corners of the room

The terms are explained in the PPP document

When teaching you learn

An example of workshop applying this theory in a waterfall method is described in the PPP document



The following material is available:

  • The Building blocks and the Company Philosophy all have Power Point Presentation

  • Spoken text as a suggestion of what to say when presenting

  • The material is prepared to be used inTraining

Presentation of Training. The corresponding PPP is for sale and consists of more detailed information 

Purchase Material

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