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Visualisation and Communication 



Communication in General


When you communicate you need to think in the terms Why, How and What and you need to cover all the aspects. In different cultures you focus on Why, How and What in different orders.



Swedes find knowing Why you do something the most motivating.

In Japan it is needed to know How it has to be done, not to do something that is wrong. The Why is understood through speaking about the How.

All the aspects seem to be important wherever  you go.

Reference to Simon Sinek who created the model


The central thing around Communication is to adapt to the receiver

There is a saying in Sweden, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason — we need to listen more than we talk to make the communication work

Using Visualisation when communicating, strengthens the message and at the same time gives an opportunity to solve problems

Visualisation and Communication

To find an efficient way of communicating in your you need to chose 

Generally there are a lot of different ways to communicate and they will be described here. My recommendation is to implement stand-up meetings when possible - they are very effective 

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The ture meet everybody_edited.jpg

One on One

Stand-up Meetings

The Tour

Group meetings



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One on One
via the net

One on one meeting


This kind of meeting is usually between Manager/Coworker and if possible face to face since a lot of information is passed over not only by words

One on One

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One on One
via the net

The Stand-up Meetings

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Is the most efficient way to communicate, use it if you can

Frequency Follow up

It is:

- Frequent brief meetings instead of long meetings occasionally

- Daily visual communication through line organisation

- To “Quickly know”

- To plan together

- Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) thinking on our daily activities


By daily visual communication we will….

- Create pace

- Create a pull system

- Be able to steer in a continuous manner

- Develop an information sharing culture

- Create focus on delivery


Keep the sense of urgency in the working group, to maintain focus

Problems to address, examples

- Waiting for information

- Problems are not solved at their roots

- Reactive leadership

- Not balanced work loads

Benefits, examples

- Quick reaction to changes and problems

- Good communication and follow up of product/project plan

- Clear understanding of job performance effect on targets

- Focus on deliveries

Generally there are two types of (stand-up) meetings


Round robin

The individual in the center

The facilitator asks three questions to each person

1.      What did you achieve yesterday?
What are you aiming to achieve today?

3.      What blockers are you facing today?


The Task in the center

=> Project or Portfolio Organisation

=> Line Organisation

Walking the board

1.       Who owns this task?

2.       What is the progress?

3.       What are the blockers?


There is no general balance between Heart and Mind, it needs to be found out depending on the need of the leader and of the group 
It may vary depending on occasion and with time
The balance needs to be re-evaluated constantly

Daily means that it turns standard very quickly 
You need to be perceptive and feel the need of the group
To vary between the two perspectives can create variation and thereby interest and engagement 

The ture meet everybody_edited.jpg

The Walk around tour

Plan taking a tour around the workplace once a week, plan it so everybody knows you are coming and talk to all the Coworkers

1.What are you working with now

2.What went well last week

3.Things in need of improvement – ask for any suggestions


Group meetings

The Information meeting (Groupmeeting)

Information meetings can be prepared by writing the protocol beforehand

•Thereby you prepare what to say

•After the meeting the protocol needs to be updated according to what really happened during the meeting (can be delegated and taken turns with )

•This means that the protocol can be ready quickly and without too much effort


People work in different ways; some are talk focused and others take in information better by text and the written word

To achieve dialogue and participation

the following methods can be used:

  1. Beehive.

  2. Talking stick.

  3. Reflect individually - pair up - all together.

  4. Reflecting teams.

  5. World Café

  6. 4 corners of the room.

They are described more in detail in the PPP document

The Speech

  • Start talking about the most important things (you need to have time to speak of the important things)

  • Invite the listener to come with questions (It will increase their interest of the subject)


Decide on what meetings to be used in your organisation - can you afford not applying the stand-up meeting ?

Presentation of Visualisation and Communicationersion. The corresponding PPP is for sale. There One on One meetings, Stand-up meetings, The tour, Information Meeting (Group meetings) and the Speech is talked about

- Liker, J. K., & Meier, D. (2006) The Toyota Way Fieldbook: A Practical Guide
for Implementing Toyota's 4Ps.

- Morgan, J. M., & Liker, J. K. (2006).  The Toyota Product Development System:
  Integrating People, Process and Technology.

- Mascitelli, R. (2007) The lean product development guide book.

- Ward, A. C. (2007). Lean Product and Process Development.


- Effective Meetings: Maximize Team Performance with the Daily Stand Up Meeting - Bing video

- 5 Benefits of Having Daily Stand-Up Meetings - Bing video

- How to Hold a Daily Stand-up Meeting - Bing video


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