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Waterfall Project

Company Phisosophy_edited.jpg

A project is a temporary effort undertaken to create a unique product, service or result


A lot of changes are performed in projects


You assign cross-functional project groups to steer and perform the project

To have a common picture of the progress of a project is essential in a company and there are a couple of advantages that I mention

Everyone in the company should know how far the project has progressed   (What checkpoint is passed and when the next one will be passed)

Updates from previous projects can be used in all new projects

In the document the following areas are covered:
-  Project the Dyne way (I am using the Set-based pinciples described among
    The Building Blocks)
-  Project the design process way
-  To consider when using set-based engineering
-  Checkpoints

-  Steering group/Sponsor support


Agree and decide on chosen model


Make it detailed enough, make it easy to follow

To pass a predefined checkpoint (decision between the Project and the Steering group/Sponsor)

  • Everything is fulfilled up to the checkpoint – if not fulfilled there needs to be a timeplan on how the Project can catch up (does the project need extra resources or help in any other way from the steering group?

  • What needs to be fullfilled up to the next checkpoint? (based on the process description and the delayed activities from this checkpoint).

Things to be aware of when you use Watherhall modells

The Waterfall model is an ideal model so when you run a project acording to it it will never work without exeptions and diviations.


Running a project is activly deling with risks (e.g. the risk that a solution do not work as entended).


So the chalings for the project leader is to manage the risks and keep them under controll.


The Setbased technique described i Building blocks is a way to mitigate risks of failiers learning to know before desiding.  

Presentation of Project. The corresponding PPP is for sale. 


Design Process written by  Rikke Friis Dam och Teo Yu Siang 

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