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Knowledge can be devided into two forms
Used quite a lot in the literature is the Iceberg metaphor:


Explicit knowledge
 -  What you see 
 -  Based on Academic accomplishments
 -  Easy to transfer to someone else
Tacit Knowledge
 -  Best Practice
 -  Lessons Learned
 -  Gut feeling

The two types of knowledge need to be addressed in different ways

Explicit Knowledge


E.g. a Database


A Database containing the information known by the organisation

•The important is that the information is searchable

•The information in the database is kept up to date

Tacit Knowledge


E.g. Keep an updated list with information of: Who knows what


A list over who knows what in the organisation needs to be

updated when someone learns something new (this applies to both Explicit and Tacit knowledge)


Presentation of Knowledge . The corresponding PPP is for sale. 

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