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constant cooperation / balancing act with others

1 December 2024

Beeing a leader or a coworker is a constant cooperation / balancing act with others

In my experience one of the more important areas to address is the balance between feeling and logic,

in my vocabulary Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind Management

Heart and Mind Management provides Assessment, Coaching, Training, Workshops supporting in management and organisation effectiveness

We updated the homepage on 1 December 2024

I have recorded spoken presentations on the following subjects and launched them, and also updated the homepage

Solution focused conversations

Solution focused conversations is an approach to communication and problem solving that focuses on identifying and implementing solutions, rather than dwelling on problems.


It is a goal focused, evidence based approach, which incorporates positive psychology principles and practices. It helps to find solutions rather than focusing on problems.


It fosters a positive climate that focuses on possibilities and improvements rather than on problems and mistakes, try the Appreciative Inquiry method.


This approach shifts the focus from identifying what's wrong to building on what’s already working well, encouraging a culture of positive thinking and continuous growth aiming to formulating, motivating, achieving and sustaining desired behaviour change.

Solution focused conversations can be used in all kind of situations e.g.:


-  Resolve Conflicts

-  Set Goals

-  Enhance Performance

-  Problem Solving

-  Improve Team Dynamics

-  Facilitate Change

-  Support Development

Overall, these conversations are beneficial whenever you need to foster a positive, goal-oriented mindset that focuses on actionable steps and constructive outcomes.

Multidimensional Feedback

A correctly performed feedback is a very effective way to achieve change

I have picked inspiration from ”feedback” and from a ”reflecting conversation” and I call it Multidimensional feedback to emphasise that it is crucial to establish a dialogue where both parties are heard and listened to  

Ask yourself what is the purpose of the feedback (to develop or to evaluate or both)

Before starting the feedback, ask the person if now is okay to give feedback.

Give feedback referring to facts, for example, actions that the person performed. Not who they are.

-  Communicate clearly, using language that is understood.

-  Give your view of the action.

-  What did that action make you feel, and what effect did it have on you?

-  Concentrate the talk around this example; cut out everything not adding value to
    the discussion.

-  Offer feedback in a constructive manner, focusing on improvement rather than

-  Ensure that the feedback is relevant to the individual's goals, responsibilities, and
    performance expectations.

-  Ask the person for their view of the situation.

-  Listen actively and be open to their perspective, thoughts and feelings.

-  Agree on how to proceed.


It is crucial to establish an open channel of communication where both parties feel empowered to express their perspectives and emotions, knowing that they will be heard and understood, particularly regarding the feedback provided.


Give the feedback as soon as possible after the action.

Never give feedback in front of others or based on hearsay.


After having given feedback follow up the improvement that you agreed on, provide additional support if needed and acknowledge improvements.

Generally, it is much easier to give confirmational feedback.

But giving confronting or feedback to improve is more demanding and takes more guts.



But both components are as important.


In an organisational context, maneuverability refers to the ability of a company or institution to quickly adapt to changes, challenges and opportunities in its environment.

This concept is vital for organisations operating in fast-paced or unpredictable industries, where they need strategic shift or adjustment, to innovate and re-align resources effectively to stay competitive.

Here’s a breakdown of key elements contributing to organisational maneuverability:

1.Structural Agility

2. Decision-Making Speed

3. Innovation and Learning Culture

4. Responsive Strategy and Vision

5. Effective Communication Channels

1.Structural Agility

Flat Structures:

Organisations with fewer hierarchical levels allow quicker decision-making, enabling faster responses to external changes.

Cross-Functional Teams:

Teams composed of members from various departments (like marketing, R&D and operations) can work together to create holistic solutions quickly.

Flexible Resource Allocation:

Maneuverable organisations can rapidly reassign staff, technology and funds as projects shift or priorities evolve.

2. Decision-Making Speed

Empowered Employees:

When employees at all levels are encouraged to make decisions, they can respond to changes without waiting for executive approval.

Clear Authority Lines:

Defined roles in decision-making allow for swift actions and prevent delays caused by unclear responsibilities.

Data-Driven Decisions:

Access to real-time data empowers leaders to make informed choices that align with current market dynamics, enhancing adaptability.

3. Innovation and Learning Culture

Encouregement of Evaluating different solutions :

Organisations that value experimentation foster innovation and quick adjustments as new ideas are tested and adapted.

Continuous Learning:

Training and development programs ensure that employees can acquire new skills as needs arise, enabling them to handle new challenges.

Adaptability Mindset:

A culture that prizes adaptability over rigidity helps employees approach problems flexibly and creatively.

4. Responsive Strategy and Vision

Dynamic Strategy Adjustment: Organisations that regularly review and update their strategic plans can realign quickly based on the latest market trends and competitor actions.

Clear Vision and Communication: When the vision and goals are clear, employees can make faster, goal-oriented adjustments rather than waiting for direction.

Customer-Centric Focus: Understanding customer needs and being ready to shift offerings according to those needs supports maneuverability, especially in customer-driven industries.

5. Effective Communication Channels

Transparent Internal Communication:

Open lines of communication across all levels and departments ensure everyone is aware of changes and can respond quickly.

Rapid Feedback Loops:

Collecting and acting on feedback from both employees and customers helps the organisation make timely improvements or course corrections.

Collaboration Tools:

Digital tools that enable real-time collaboration and information sharing enhance responsiveness.

Continuous Learning and Development

There is a strong emphasis on continuous learning and development, with opportunities for skill enhancement, career growth and personal advancement. The organisation invests in training, mentorship and professional development programs.

Continuous Learning and Development:

  1.   Create a Learning Culture

  2.   Provide Access to Training and Resources

  3.   Encourage Professional Development

  4.   Facilitate Peer Learning

  5.   Implement a Learning Management System (LMS) Centralised Platform

  6.   Promote On-the-Job Learning


  8.   Regular Performance Reviews and Feedback

  9.   Encourage Innovation and Experimentation Innovation Labs

  10.   Support Work-Life Balance

  11.   Evaluate and Improve Learning Initiative

  1.  Create a Learning Culture

Promote Curiosity

-  Encourage employees to ask questions, seek new knowledge, and stay curious.

Value Learning

-  Recognise and reward learning efforts and achievements.

Open Communication

-  Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their learning
    experiences and knowledge.

2.   Provide Access to Training and Resources


Training Programs

-  Offer regular training sessions, workshops and seminars on various topics


Online Learning Platforms

-  Provide access to online courses, webinars and educational resources.


Educational Materials

-  Make books, articles and other learning materials easily available.

3.   Encourage Professional Development

Career Development Plans

-  Work with employees to create personalised career development plans.

Mentorship Programs

-  Implement mentorship programs where experienced employees can guide and
   support less experienced ones.

Professional Certifications

-  Support employees in obtaining professional certifications and attending industry

4. Facilitate Peer Learning

Knowledge Sharing Sessions

-  Organise regular sessions where employees can share knowledge and experiences.

Collaborative Projects

-  Foster collaboration on projects that require team members to learn from each

Peer Feedback

-  Encourage peer feedback to provide insights and promote mutual learning.

5.   Implement a Learning Management System
      (LMS) Centralised Platform

Centralised Platform

-  Use an LMS to centralise training materials, track progress and assess learning

Customised Learning Paths

-  Create customised learning paths based on employee roles, skills and career goals.

Interactive Content

-  Include interactive elements such as quizzes, simulations and discussions to enhance

6.   Promote On-the-Job Learning

Knowledge Sharing Sessions

-  Organise regular sessions where employees can share knowledge and experiences.

Collaborative Projects

-  Foster collaboration on projects that require team members to learn from each

Peer Feedback

-  Encourage peer feedback to provide insights and promote mutual learning.

7.   Facilitate Peer Learning

 Knowledge Sharing Sessions

-  Organise regular sessions where employees can share knowledge and experiences.

Collaborative Projects

-  Foster collaboration on projects that require team members to learn from each

Peer Feedback

-  Encourage peer feedback to provide insights and promote mutual learning.

8.  Regular Performance Reviews and Feedback

Constructive Feedback

-  Provide regular, constructive feedback to help employees identify areas for


Goal Setting

-  Set clear, achievable goals that align with learning and development objectives.

Progress Tracking

-  Monitor progress and adjust development plans as needed

9.   Encourage Innovation and Experimentation
      Innovation Labs

Innovation Labs

-  Set up innovation labs where employees can experiment with new ideas and

Pilot Projects

-  Allow employees to run pilot projects to test new concepts and solutions.

Safe Environment

-  Create a safe environment where failure is viewed as a learning opportunity.

10. Support Work-Life Balance

Flexible Learning Schedules

-  Offer flexible learning schedules to accommodate different lifestyles and

Remote Learning Options

-  Provide remote learning opportunities for those who may not be able to attend
    in-person sessions.

Wellness Programs

-  Implement wellness programs to support overall employee well-being, enabling
   them to focus better on learning.

11.  Evaluate and Improve Learning Initiative

Feedback Mechanisms

-  Collect feedback from employees on the effectiveness of learning programs.

Impact Assessment

-  Measure the impact of learning initiatives on performance and productivity.

Continuous Improvement

-  Regularly update and improve learning programs based on feedback and
  changing needs.

Feed forward

Feed forward is a constructive way of communicating with the purpose of contributing to personal development.

A form of communication that shifts the focus from what has been to what is to come.

Focus on what lies ahead while, together with the individual in question, preparing for future success.

A focus forward meeting brings:

-  Focuses on possitive suggestions on different possibilities of how to proceed

-  By focusing the future the individual is made to see different potential solutions
    and opportunities for solutions and this  can be inspiring


-  Builds relationships. It creates a positive discussion climate where common
  solutions can be discussed rather than focusing on earlier mistakes

-  How can this be done better in the future?

The feed forward should be an open discussion where both parties can present ideas, speak and be listened to.


In environments where progress and development are constantly in focus, feed forward offers a way forward that is not only constructive but also inclusive

The research behind feed forward shows that when individuals feel encouraged and supported for the future, their motivation and engagement increase.

Planned are 4 workshops during January 2025
No cost for participating
No limit in numbers attending the meetings


08/12 2024 kl 10.00-10.30

08/1 2024 kl 18.00-18.30


15/12 2024 kl 10.00-10.30

15/12 2024 kl 18.00-18.30

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