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The target of a Coaching session
- Is to discuss an item that is requested
- Give an outside view of the problem
- Coach the leader to find and make a decision on his/her own
To support you I offer to Coach you and discuss possible actions relevant for your organisation
My ambition is to discuss possibilities (not problems) focusing on what can be done in a specific situation
We discuss, understand and educate each other in different topics
The seconed meeting
The meeting is via Zoom and is hosted by you
Introduce ourselves
What is the dilemma you want to discuss
An open discussion of differen possible solutions
The first meeting
The meeting is via Zoom and is hosted by you
Introduce ourselves
Introduce your dilemma or what you want to disscus
Present the company where you work
Describe the organisation where you are working
The continuation of meetings
The meetings are performed via Zoom and we need to agree on who is hosting the meeting and the agenda needs to be decided
Atul Gawande: Want to get great at something? Get a coach | TED Talk
Presentation of Coching. The corresponding PPP is for sale and consists of more detailed information
Purchase Material
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