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A person coming back from a long sick leave


-  People having been on a long sick leave need to be focused on when they come
   back and start working again.

-  Depending on the reason for the long sick leave, the Welcome Program needs
   to be tailored-made to each individual.

-  Everybody needs to feel safe, especially those who have been on a long sick

The essential thing is that the person does not fall back into sick leave

Plan for a meeting with the person one-on-one prior to coming back (manager and person)


-  What tasks will the person start working with

-  What working hours are suitable to start up with

-  Is a mentor wanted/needed ?

-  Is the workspace he or she had suitable to come back to?

    -   Desturbanses

When a person is coming back from a long sick leave, it's important to consider the following:


1.Gradual Reintegration


3.Support Systems

4.Regular Check-ins

5.Team Involvement

6.Health and Safety

1.Gradual Reintegration

 Ease the employee back into work with a phased approach, adjusting workload and responsibilities to prevent overwhelming


Maintain open and supportive communication, ensuring the employee feels comfortable discussing any concerns or limitations.

3.Support Systems:

Provide access to resources such as counseling, flexible hours or ergonomic adjustments to support their transition.

4.Regular Check-ins:

Schedule regular meetings to monitor progress, address any challenges and make necessary adjustments.

5.Team Involvement:

Brief the team on the situation, encouraging understanding and support while respecting the returning employee's privacy

6.Health and Safety:

Ensure that the work environment is favorable to the employee's health needs, with any necessary modification in place.

Within the Heart and Mind Management system many subjects might come in handy.

Solution focused conversations is an approach to communication and problem-solving that focuses on identifying and implementing solutions rather than dwelling on problems that.

A way to communicate that  I rekomend

  1. Together create a preferred picture of how the coworker wants the future to look like.

  2. Strengths and Resources: Discuss together things that the coworker does already today and works well.

  3. Positive Language: What is working well today? Don’t focus on the problems

  4. Goal Setting: Setting clear and achivable targets together so that individuals can work towards positive outcomes

  5. Small Steps and Progress: Breaking down larger challenges into smaller, more manageable steps, celebrating and acknowledging even small progress is encouraged to build momentum.

  6. Collaboration: Between the coaching person and the coach

  7. Acceptance: Are you understanding and accepting the problem

  8. Brief and Time-Limited: The goal is to bring about positive change in a relatively short period.

Reference: The International Journal of Solution Focused Brief Practices” an open source. link:

Create a Welcome Program to suport the person coming back from a long sik leve (manager and coworker together)

Presentation of Introduction of new employees . The corresponding PPP is for sale. 


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