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balancing act

Beeing a leader or a coworker is a constant cooperation / balancing act with others

In my experience one of the more important areas to address is the balance between feeling and logic,

in my vocabulary Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind Management

Heart and Mind Management provides Assessment, Coaching, Training, Workshops supporting in management and organisation effectiveness

We updated the homepage on november 2023

I have recorded spoken presentations on the following subjects and launched them, and also updated the homepage



Leadership is the way you motivate a group of persons in order to achieve defined targets

-  By the ability to inspire others

-  By presenting ideas both own and others’

-  By respecting and listening to the members of the group

-  By giving directions

-  By your and the coworkers mutual trust

-  By creating an environment where everyone feels respected and trusted

Use both your feelings and your logic to decide the actions to take

Feel, Think and Act

Turn the hierarchy upside down. As a manager your main target is to make everyone do their best

-  Leadership is not being the best, it is about making everyone better, to create a climate
    where everyone can contribute in their best way.

-  Treat everyone with respect, courtesy, politeness and kindness.

-  Listen to what others have to say before expressing your viewpoint. Never interrupt. Use
    the coworkers’ ideas to create change and improvements.

-  Treat people with respect, do not insult.

-  Give positive feedback a lot more than negative feedback.

-  Respect employee’s personal time. Avoid calling them after work hours or constantly
    expecting them to work late.

-  Show interest in their professional development.

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-  Promote an open discussion climate where everybody is encouraged to present their
    ideas (if you havent heard an idea how can you judge if it is good one or not)

-  It is important to take good care of all ideas regardless of who presents them

-  Remember you have one brain and the group have several

Leadership a multifaceted occupation

As a leader you are involved with everything in the Heart and Mind Management model, I would like to mention the following areas as especially important

-  Targets
-  Diversity in the working group and Group Development
-  Maneuverability
-  Organisational Desig
-  Competence/ Competency
-  Visualisation and Communication
-  Introduction of new employees
-  Development plan for each person

High performing team

As a leader you need to work with your coworkers to create High performing team i.e. a group of people with specific roles and complementary talents and skills, aligned with and committed to  common targets, who consistently show high levels of cooperation and innovation. All this produce superior results.

A group where everybody is:

-  Seen

-  Listened to

-  Communicating and Communicated with

-  Respected

-  Supported

-  Cooperating and Cooperated with

Show others you care and value them – everyone needs to be seen, respected and valued

Soft Steering with Targets and Values

Cooworkers are humans so when steering them, there needs to be a balance between measurable targets and feelings. Especially when informing about theese targets, you need to make room for soft issues in the communiction when you try to get commitment


  1. Is the target probable to meet (what is hindering and what is promoting fulfilment)

  2. Try to cover information of Way, What and How (to motivate and explain) why it is important that the targets are reached

  3. What can I do to do the promote the possibility of target fullfilment

  4. Can the coworker commit to the target 

The Leadership has evolved depending on the needs in the society we live in


4  Information society

3  Industrial Society

2  Farmer Society 

1  Hunter society

3  Industrial Society
-    Competition
-    Profit
-     Innovations
-     Accountability
-     Meritocracy

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Using the Diversity Development and AGILE Development presented in Development, implies an increased responsibility for the individuals meaning that there needs to be room for them to take a bigger responsibility (a level 4 or 5 in the model)

Reference: Laloux Culture Model and Agile

To be a leader means that you need to live in a constant balancing act
















Self Care


As a leader there is often too much to do, then it is important to prioritise in a structured way

Depending on the importance and the hurry of an activity your responsive action needs to be different


Remember that the relation to coworkers and the your direct manager often fits in the action quadrant

Create and promote a positive climate where everybody is Listened to and Seen – and Positive feedback is used a lot

A happy and positive person does a better job


Save the negative feedback to the improvement situation when you can look upon it as improvement possibilities

-  Bring positive criticism in
    a group

-  Negative criticism

The Leader is often looked upon as 

-  Cool

-  Forward thinking

-  Visionary

-  Brave

-  A good communicator

-  A good listener

-  Inspiring

-  Open Minded

-  Trustful with good relationships

-  System thinking

-  Possibility focused

-  Empowering

-  Improvement focused

-  Result oriented

-  Good at giving positive and negative feedback

-  Creating a structure that supports the task

-  How and under what circumstances does the group get to know each other and how
    do you create a High performing team (see: Diversity in the working group)

-  How is cooperation between workers promoted and encouraged to nurse knowledge

-  How do you establish the sense of urgency in the working group (see: Visualisation
    and communication)

Today we tend to use more remote working force in the working group (Covid and trends in society promote this)


When working remote you need to think of


If we manipulate or steer in detail people will give you only what you pay for

If we inspire, let people take responsibility and make them feel appreciated they will give us more than you ask for

They will give you the moon

Change management

Try to put the right questions to coworkers and make them come up with the solution

The power of their own ideas is underestimated

The implementation becomes so much easier since you already have the buy in

Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities and achievements. The trust needs to be earned – it doesn’t come with the appointment

Respect is a big word. There needs to be mutual respect within the group but also mutual respect between the group and the leader

A succesful lead group will earn trust from other colleagues and customers

How to start a leadership

How to start a leadership.png

Visualisation and Communication

-  To see, to be seen and listened to is needed - in  detail it is described in Visualisation and

Process Review

-  It is important to improve processes in a structured way - this is described in Process

LEADERSHIP - A never ending, fascinating story – continuous improvement

Self Leadership

Self Leadership - This way of steering means that the coworker her/himself steers the daily work and knows what needs to be done. Consequently there are fewer managers needed in the organisation. The coworker takes a bigger responsibility for what needs to be done and makes sure that it gets done 

To achieve this

-  The targets must be communicated and understood by everyone in the organisation.

-  Measurement and feedback on the work performed to everyone.


-  To have a transparent and honest relationship between manager and coworker.

-  Everyone is a leader in his or her life. It is up to you and no one else to create the
    working experience that you want to have. To have the entire responsibility gives
    you the power in your life, it is entirely up to you

-  You are responsible to be and keep being engaged

-  Together we stand tall, alone we fall. Teach to ask for help when needed, and give
    help to others when they ask

-  Work with and improve your superpowers (the things you have defined as your

-  Your achievements are important but how you treat your colleagues is as
    important (it is the total output from your group that really counts)

Using the Diversified Development ore AGILE Development presented in Development, there is an increased responsibility for the individuals

-  To drive your own change and work

-  What to do now

-  What to do next

-  Quality assure the change

-  Search needed information

-  Motivate yourself


-  Receive financial resources for the changes you are working with

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AGILE Development

Diversified Development

As a coworker you need

-  The target of the change you are responsible for

-  The adequate quality tools to be able to ensure the change



Your wished experiences to guide yourself  towards a trade off between those wishes and the targets of the organisation.


To develop yourself into working with Self Leadership


You need to decide

-  What to do

-  Why do it

-  How to do it 

Personal development

Also means that you have a responsibility to develop yourself into the best person possible

1  The first step is that the person identifies

-   What are my strengths today

-   What do I want to improve

2   Discuss with your superior

-   What are the surrounding strengths

-   Is there anyone that is skilled in what you want to learn ?

3   Discuss with your superior

-   What are the surrounding strengths

-   Is there anyone that is skilled in what you want to learn ?

4   Decide together with your superior

-   Interest and Ambition from the organisation and from you as a person 

Waterfall Project Quality

How is Quality worked into the Project

1.Invest in Quality assurance in a reasonable way

2.Plan for Quality

3.Start your project with focus and commitment to Quality

4.Perform suitable Calculations and Tests

5.Safeguard the time for testing

6.Agree on quality level with Steering group/Sponsor

Plan for Quality

1.Clarify Roles and Responsibilities for Quality leading

2.Clarify tools and techniques to be used in the project

3.What kind of testing environment is required (physical and program test

4.When will the team measure Quality and how

5.What will be inspected and tested

6.In what way will defects be tracked and reported

7.How will the deliveries be validated

8.Present a wordlist of Quality Assurance words

Quality Assurance plan

•   In some companies you have a checklist describing what needs to be reported at a
    certain stage of the project, to support future activities with lessons learned from
    previous projects

•   Make sure that this list is updated regularly



•   Make sure that knowledge from old projects is taken into acount e.g. by meeting
     with previous Project Leaders (useful even if the list exists)

The Steering group and/or sponsor is there to support the project

To pass a predefined checkpoint (decision between the Project and the Steering group/Sponsor)

•   Everything is fulfilled up to the checkpoint – if not fulfilled there needs to be a timeplan on how the Project can catch up (does the project need extra resources or help in any other way from the steering group?


•   What needs to be fullfilled up to the next checkpoint? (based on the process description and the delayed activities from this checkpoint).




If decisions need to be taken that are not beneficial to your home organisation, the project is priority one

Knowledge Management

Type of knowlidge:

  • Information

  • Practice

  • Technology

  • Personal experience

  • Trend and Measurements

  • Process

  • Advice

  • Insights

Knowledge has two forms:

Used quite a lot in the literature 

is the Isberg metaphor


Explicit knowledge

 -  What you see 

 -  Based on academic accomplishments

 -  Easy to bring over to someone else


Tacid Knowledge

 -  Best Practice

 -  Lessons Learned


 -  Gut feeling

To know who knows what

A list over who knows what in the organisation needs to be


updated when someone learns something new
(this concerns both Explicit and Tacid knowledge)


A Database containing the information known by the organisation (concerns the Explicit part of knowledge)
-  Important that the information is findable
The information in the database is kept up to date

Planned are 4 workshops during Desember 2023

  • No cost for participating

  • No limit in numbers attending the meetings

AGILE Development

14/11 2023



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Diversified Development

21/11 2023



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