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balancing act

Beeing a leader or a coworker is a constant cooperation / balancing act with others

In my experience one of the more important areas to address is the balance between feeling and logic,

in my vocabulary Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind Management

Heart and Mind Management provides Assessment, Coaching, Training, Workshops supporting in management and organisation effectiveness

I have recorded spoken presentations on the following subjects and launched them, and also updated the homepage

Introduction of new employees

-  To hire someone is a large investment

-  The new employee needs to start making a difference as fast as possible

-  One of the most important things is that they feel safe

-  Appoint a mentor that he/she can ask for advice

-  Use a checklist to make sure that what he/she is informed about, is what
    he/she needs to start doing a good job

Schedule one-on-one meetings with the new employee and the manager

1.How is the work going

2.Do you feel welcome

3.Are there any obstacles

4.Can I help you in any way

5.Do you feel safe


Feel Safe

Everyone needs to feel safe (physical, emotional or psychological safety) 

The introduction program needs to make the new employee safe


A newly employed person needs to know and adapt to all safety information and instructions.

The new employee in the first line needs to understand and act according to existing rutines

The following things are important to start up with:

1.  Compliance Assistance (information and instruction display)

2.  Incident Reporting (how it is done)

3.  Emergency Preparedness (eg. emergency exits, emergency meeting

Emotional or psychological safety

It is created through building trust in a working group and it involves a combination of actions, behaviours and communication that demonstrate

-  integrity

-  sincerity

-  reliability

-  consistency

-  commitment

-  competence

Here are some ways to create trust:


-  Be Honest and Transparent

-  Follow Through on Commitments

-  Demonstrate Competence

-  Act with Integrity

-  Listen Actively

-  Respect Others

-  Be Reliable

-  Admit Mistakes

-  Maintain Confidentiality

-  Build Relationships

The new person

To start making a difference, the new person needs to learn quickly:

The function that you are employed to perform

The persons around you, name, function and their Explicit and Tacit knowledge

Introduce yourself

1. Ask questions
2. Match your tone to your company’s culture
3. Use positive language
4. Take advantage of your company's orientation program
5. Find more opportunities for introductions

Development plan for each person

Development Plan contains targets for Heart and Mind to include the complete person and can be seen as a contract between the individual and the company

Is developed by the Coworker together with the Manager

A yearly follow up meeting is performed

1.  Discuss how you have delivered on the Targets from last year

2.  How are your feeling in the group?

3.  Are there any obstacles in your work?

4.  Can I help you in any way?

5.  The targets for next year

6.  ..

7.  ..

Identify what you need and want to

1  Your specific skills

2  Your skills in need of improvement

     - What are the skills the company needs

     - Company and individual

Think and agree on how these skills can be improved and how to improve

We learn in different ways but research shows that the best results are achieved when the methods are combined

The best version of yourself.

Remember that personal development is a dynamic and ongoing process. It involves a combination of self-awareness, continuous learning, and intentional efforts to become the best version of yourself.

-  Education and Learning
-  Skill Development
-  Professional Development
-  Goal Setting
-  Health and Well-being
-  Networking and Relationship Building
-  Self-Reflection
-  Challenges and Risk-Taking
-  Volunteering and Community Engagement
-  Time Management
-  Continuous Feedback
-  Financial Literacy


Diversity in the working group and Group Development

Different experiences (background), nationalities, gender, socioeconomic statuses, religious and sexual preferences, age and very much more

Advantage when you need to think outside the box

-  Marketing

-  Business

-  Innovation

Group development

Dr. Susan A. Wheelan has studied group development and observed the following steps

To develop the group is particularly important in diversified (mixed) teams, since the risk of conflicts then increases

Planned are 4 workshops during December 2023

  • No cost for participating

  • No limit in numbers attending the meetings


12/01 2024



Self Leadership

17/01 2024



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