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balancing act

Beeing a leader or a coworker is a constant cooperation / balancing act with others

In my experience one of the more important areas to address is the balance between feeling and logic,

in my vocabulary Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind Management

Heart and Mind Management provides Assessment, Coaching, Training, Workshops supporting in management and organisation effectiveness

I have recorded spoken presentations on the following subjects and launched them, and also updated the homepage

Multi dimensional Feedback 2024-04-08

A correctly performed feedback is a very effective way to achieve change

I have picked inspiration from ”feedback” and from a ”reflecting conversation” and I call it Multidimensional feedback to emphasize that it is crucial to establish a dialogue where both parties are heard and listened to  

Ask yourself what is the purpose of the feedback (to develop or to evaluate or both)

Before starting the feedback, ask the person if now is okay to give feedback.

  • Give feedback referring to facts, for example, actions that the person performed. Not who they are.

  • Communicate clearly, using language that is understood.

  • Give you view of the action.

  • What did that action make you feel, and what effect did it have on you?

  • Concentrate the talk around this example; cut out everything not adding value to the discussion.

  • Offer feedback in a constructive manner, focusing on improvement rather than criticism.

  • Ensure that the feedback is relevant to the individual's goals, responsibilities, and performance expectations.

  • Ask the person for their view of the situation.

  • Listen actively and be open to their perspective, thoughts and feelings.

  • Agree on how to proceed.


It is crucial to establish an open channel of communication where both parties feel empowered to express their perspectives and emotions, knowing that they will be heard and understood, particularly regarding the feedback provided.


Give the feedback as soon as possible after the action.

Never give feedback in front of others or based on hearsay.


After having given feedback follow up for improvement that you agreed on, provide additional support if needed, and acknowledge improvements.

Generally, it is much easier to give confirmational feedback.

But giving confronting or feedback to improve is more demanding and takes more guts.



But both components are as important.


The target of a Coaching session

-  Is to discuss an item that is requested

-  An outside view of the problem is given

-  The leader is coached to find and make a decision on his/her own

-  To unlock potentials and reach desired outcomes.

To support you, I offer to Coach you and discuss possible actions relevant for your organisation

My ambition is to discuss possibilities (not problems) focusing on what can be done in a specific situation

We discuss, understand and educate each other in different topics


Is one way to develop yourself

- but there are more ways, let's start with putting Training into a context

Develop your skills continuously to get to the top - or to  remain there

There are different ways to develop yourself


How do you learn

 (The picture is built on the results from Research of creative leadership)

The best results are achieved when they all work together


This is concentrated on training and the material in Building blocks and Company Philosophy are prepared to be able to perform training

  • Power Point Presentations

  • Spoken word to present the PPP

To achieve dialogue and participation the following methods can be used:

  1. Talk with a friend (beehive)

  2. Talking stick 

  3. Reflect individually - Pair up - All together

  4. Reflecting teams

  5. World café

  6. 4 corners of the room

Remember 5 factors when you teach

  • Catch the attention

  • Seduce the brain, ensure to toutch the audience's feelings and make the subject relevant

  • Give time and possibility for the audience to think for themselves

  • Ask for response from the audience

  • Test the newly learned information, throw questions or practice.



Is a netmeeting where I present the PowerPoint Presentation (PPP) document in the specific area (e.g. Leadership or Problem Solving Methodologies) and then an open discussion takes place were everybody is invited to participate  

Areas to discuss

Company Phisosophy_edited.jpg

Generally most companies have implemented parts of the components of this model
Theese meetings are intended to share experiences from implementing, what went well and what can be improved

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Let us try to create on open atmosphere where we help each other to become better

Reflection: I  have been travelling around the world within the Volvo Truck organisation and then we have introduced parts of the model all over the place
It was introduced in different manners in different organisations with different results, difficulties and benefits.

  • The conclusion that I made is that everybody can learn something from someone else - no one is perfect!

  • And if we could use the best way to work all over the world everyone becomes better

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If you have a good example that you want to share with the network, do contact me and we can arrange a meeting were you can share; way of working, implementation, results, difficulties and benefits

Send me an e-mail and request a workshop  

How does it  look today

For now there is not restriction as to the amount of participants in the sessions - and the participation is initially free



How will it look like in the future?

When this is established and working well, I will limit the participants to 20 at each opportunity and I will charge a small amount per person
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The schedule for the upcoming/planned worshops are found on the homepage, simpel-e-schema

Planned are 4 workshops during Maj 2024

  • No cost for participating

  • No limit in numbers attending the meetings




Kl 09.00-09.30

Kl 17.00-17.30

Assesment Results


Kl 09.00-09.30

Kl 17.00-17.30

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