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balancing act

Beeing a leader or a coworker is a constant cooperation / balancing act with others

In my experience one of the more important areas to address is the balance between feeling and logic,

in my vocabulary Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind Management

Heart and Mind Management provides Assessment, Coaching, Training, Workshops supporting in management and organisation effectiveness

I have recorded spoken presentations on the following subjects and launched them, and also updated the homepage

Assessment 2024-05-08

An assessment is a discussion based on open questions within a leading group, establishing how things work today and creating ideas for improvements.

The output from an assessment is

-  Awareness and agreement on how things work today

-  A list of  what is working well and what can be improved

-  Decision on a common priorisation of things to improve

-  A common plan of when what improvements are to be implemented


The result of the assessment can not be used to compare different organisations, it is there to create awareness and a common understanding of what can be done to improve your own organisation

Open discussions and a common view

-  When performing the Assessment the discussions are important since we tend to have different perspective on how  things work (to reach an agreement of how it works today is is important)

-  Generally you need to take time for the process

      (to allow people to come to their own opinion about an
     item and in the nexst step reach an agreement in the group
     of how things work today)

The Assessment Material that I offer, is a set of questions developed to create a discussion and ideas for improvements 

The Assessment Material Is a set of questions developed to create a discussion and ideas for improvements 

Examples of questions:

-  Describe how you communicate and cascade the quality policy (assurance)
    in the organsiation

-  Describe how you promote a quality mindset and behavior in all individuals
    concerning deliveries.

-  Describe your approach to create energy, passion and respect for the

-  How do you demonstrate consistent behavior that aligns with your values and

-  How do you create and maintaine  an environment  that supports the
   well-being of coworkers

The Assessment questions can be bought from the homepage and consist of more then 500 questions.

The Assessment Material is organised like the Company Philosophy and in each area there are questions

-  Change

-  Values (Gut feeling)

-  Synchronisation and Timing

-  Teamwork and Individuals

-  Process

-  Quality

-  Customer Expectation

Depending on what part of the product life cycle you concentrate on, you tend to work in different ways

And the effect of this is that some parts of the Assessment are NA (not applicable in your company)

The Assessment process

1.  Are there some areas that are not applicable in your organisation
2.  Check the questions, they are written in a special environment and
      might need to be rewritten
3.   Answer individually the questions in advance and bring examples if
4.    Discuss in the Leading group
                 -  How have different persons understood the question?
                 -  Can you join on how the question is to be understood?
                 -  If you can agree what is the answer?

                                 -  Approach (process, routine, instructions)

                                 -  Deployment (to what extent it is implemented)

                                 -  Effect (the evidence of effect)

5.  Agree in the leading group

6.  Evaluate the assessment results

7.  Discuss and reach an agreed implementation plan

Evaluate an assessment

System thinking drives the way we evaluate the assessment (a low value destroys everything)

-  Lowest mark on an individual question

-  Lowest mark in a section rules

-  Fraction of questions above this lowest mark becomes the decimal value

Assessment results Example

Pick chart (really not using the assessment result)

-  Put all the improvements in a pick chart try to judge the Effort you need
    to put in and the Effect you receive when the suggestion is implemented
-  Pick the ones with High Effect and Low Effort as an indication to start
    the discussion
-  Based on what you want and the results from the pick chart and decide
    on some of the ideas and concentrate on them
-  You need to start somewhere (showing coworkers that change is possible
    and then move on)

Choose among  Improvements

Define targets for Improvements

Define Targets for the improvement ideas you want to focus on


Targets are to be SMART

-  Specific

-  Measurable

-  Attainable

-  Realistic

-  Time-limited

Create and decide a timeplan for improvements

Create a timeplan for the improvements together with all other Projects.

You tend to use the same resources for both Projects and Improvement Projects, so it is important to see how they work together.


Projects and Improvements are equally important 

The end result from an assessment is an agreed and commited plan for a change journey based on

-  Assessment Results

-  Brainstorm

-  Competitor analysis

-  Litterature studies

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The schedule for the upcoming/planned worshops are found on the homepage, simpel-e-schema

Planned are 4 workshops during Maj 2024

  • No cost for participating

  • No limit in numbers attending the meetings

Human centered organisation


Kl 09.00-09.30

Kl 17.00-17.30

Solution focused conversations 


Kl 09.00-09.30

Kl 17.00-17.30

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