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balancing act

Beeing a leader or a coworker is a constant cooperation / balancing act with others

In my experience one of the more important areas to address is the balance between feeling and logic,

in my vocabulary Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind Management

Heart and Mind Management provides Assessment, Coaching, Training, Workshops supporting in management and organisation effectiveness

I have recorded spoken presentations on the following subjects and launched them, and also updated the homepage

Virtual Test and Optimisation 2024-01-15

Virtual Test is about:

-  allocation of resources to do more early simulation

-  development of trust in simulation results

-  applying true Systems Engineering including upfront analysis

-  applying set-based engineering and develop knowledge


Virtual Optimisation is to find the optimal robust concept and includes the following steps:

-  Design Of Experiment (DOE)

-  Meta-Modelling

-  Optimisation

-  Robust Optimisation

-  Uncertainty & Sensitivity Analysis

Design Of Experiment (DOE)

DoE is the starting point for Virtual Optimisation and a smart way to

map the design space

Meta Modeling

Mathematical Approximation of The Physical Model 

  -  Advantages:

  -  Speed

  -  Improved Insight

  -  Optimisation

  -  Sensitivity Analysis


Single-Objective Optimisation:

-  A Single Optimal Solution

Multi-Objective Optimisation:

-  A set of Optimal Solutions (trade-offs among multiple objectives

Robust Optimisation

Optimal vs. Robust Solutions

-  Minimize/Maximize Mean

-  Minimize Standard Deviation

Uncertainty & Sensitivity Analysis

The task to create a complete strength curve (Taguchi method)

-  Breaking strength 10 tests of breaking strength and then you 
   assume that the results are normally distributed and evaluate

-  Slope strength 10 tests 3 levels of load, assume they are normally
    distributed and evaluate

-  Fatigue strength

1   Assume the amount of cycles is eternal and how big     is

2   Guess on a value of load and start the test

3   If it is a failure, lower the load      for next test. If it reaches
     100000000 cycles the load is too low, rise it
     make 30 tests and evaluate

Virtual Test and Optimisation

Problems to address

-  Long design cycle time

-  Too many costly physical
   prototypes and testing

-  High design cost considering narrow requirement tolerances

-  Costly design loopbacks due to late design changes

-  Poor product quality due to limited product knowledge leads to
  sub-optimisation of specific characteristics



-  Reduced design cycle time and costly physical prototypes and testing

-  Improved tolerance settings based on the output variability

-  Reduced late design changes and improved product quality due to
  systematic knowledge building

-  Good balancing between all product characteristics

Visualisation and Communicationersion 2024-01-15

Communication General

Reference to Simon Sinek who created the model

When you communicate you need to think in the terms Why, How and What and you need to cover all the aspects. In different cultures you focus on Why, How and What in different orders.



Swedes find knowing Why you do something the most motivating.

In Japan it is needed to know What has to be done , not to do something that is wrong. The Why is understood through speaking about the What.

All the aspects seem to be important wherever  you go.

Communication General

The central thing around
Communication is to adapt
to the receiver

There is a saying in Sweden, we have two ears and one mouth for a reason — we need to listen more than we talk to make the communication work

There are a lot of meetings you can have Some of them are redundant

Evaluate what meeting suits your organisation in different contexts, what is the benefit and how much time does it take

One on One

This kind of meeting is usually between Manager/Coworker and if possible face to face since a lot of information is passed over not only by words

This meeting provides you with the opportunity to:

  • Communicate

  • Listen

  • Respect

  • Support

  • Cooperate

  • Serve as a sounding board

  • Make decisions

Give the messag:I am available now.

Stand-up meetings

This is regarded as the most efficient meeting, not needing protocols since it is performed every day

It is efficient when everybody is in the same room, but is it possible considering Working from home or Global organisations?

My proposal is to run them digital (not ideal but probably good enough)

This meeting provides you with the opportunity to:

  • Communicate

  • Listen

  • Respect

  • Support

  • Cooperate

  • Serve as a sounding board

  • Make decisions

Give the messag:I am available now.

Can be performed with two different points of focus.

Round robin

The individual in the center

(used a lot in line organisations)

The facilitator asks three questions to each person

   1.What did you achieve yesterday?

   2.What are you aiming to achieve today?

   3.What blockers are you facing today?

Walking the board

The Task in the center

  (used a lot in projects and in project portfolios)

1.       Who owns this task?
2.       What is the progress
3.       What are the blockers?

Standup meetings is about:

-  Frequent brief meetings instead of long meetings occasionally

-  Daily visual communication through line organisation

-  To “Quickly know”

-  To plan together

-  Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) thinking on our daily activities


By daily visual communication we will….

-  Create pace

-  Create a pull system

-  Be able to steer in a continuous manner

-  Develop an information sharing culture

-  Create focus on delivery

This meeting provides you with the opportunity to:

  • Communicate

  • Listen

  • Respect

  • Support

  • Cooperate

  • Serve as a sounding board

  • Make decisions

Give the messag:I am available now.

The Walk around tour

Plan taking a tour around the workplace once a week, plan it so everybody knows you are coming and talk to all the Coworkers
1.What are you working with now

      2.What went well last week

      3.Things in need of improvement – ask for any suggestions

This meeting provides you with the opportunity to:

  • Communicate

  • Listen

  • Respect

  • Support

  • Cooperate

  • Serve as a sounding board

  • Make decisions

Give the messag:I am available now.

Information meetings (Group meeting)

Information meetings can be prepared by writing the protocol beforehand

-  Thereby you prepare what to say

-  After the meeting the protocol needs to be updated according to what really
    happened during the meeting (can be delegated and taken turns with )

-  This means that the protocol can be ready quickly and without too much


People work in different ways; some are talk focused and others take in information better by text and the written word

This meeting provides you with the opportunity to:

  • Communicate

  • Listen

  • See foryourself


In a meeting, one of the important things is to create engagement. To achieve dialogue and participation the following methods can be used:

1.Talk with a friend (beehive)                       

2.Talking stick. Anyone holding the item/stick can talk uninterrupted and the others have to listen

3. Reflect individually - pair up - all together. Start by reflecting individually -
     pair up and put opinions on stickers - put stickers on the board. Group,
     characterize, discuss the stickers and if needed vote

4. Reflecting teams. A steerd dialog model to achieve advice, tips and new
    viewpoints from colleagues. Here members are trained to put open

5. World Café useful when you have large groups. Divide into smaller groups
     rotating between stations.  Each station consists of a table, a specific topic
     to discuss  and a discussion leader taking notes. When all the groups have
     visited all the tables each leader summarizes the discussions for the entire

6.  4 corners of the room. Let each of the corners of the room represent a
     different options. Let members stand in the corner representing their
     opinion. Discuss and listen.

Tips to make a good speech

Dedicate questions to the cards, the more important question the higher value card

-  You start the speech with the Ace, King and Queen questions (the most
    important questions)

-  Then you launch a low value of question inviting the audience to come with
    more important questions

-   If you are not OK, you launch a higher card and you have the initiative back
    or yet another low value question still asking the audience for questions. This
    will trigger the audience to put a higher value of question giving you
    a cooperation with them. If you are OK with the level of question you receive
    you continue from there

Process Revue 2024-01-08

  1. If you have a valid process map bring it with you

  2. Consider where to meet in a meeting room or at the workplace (even if the meeting room is chosen a visit to the workplace is often valuable)

  3. Organise a workshop (ordering organisation, performing organisation, customers and all organisations depending on the process)

  4. Performing organisation describes how the process is performed

  5. (all steps to be taken and so on)

  6. How is the job ordered ? What information is needed to order the job?

  7. Does the map describe how actions need to be taken to perform the job? (usually the details are not in the map)

  8. Let the stakeholder describe how the result is used

  9. Show the process map and describe how it is intended

  10. Can the process be simplified?

  11. Is there a stakeholder to all of the work performed?

  12. Do you feel flow in the process

  13. Update the process map according to the changes that are agreed in the meeting

  14. Decide on the new and improved process map

  15. Implement the new way of working

  16. Document new and improved process

  17. Education to involved individuals

-  When problems arise in a process
-  When improvement suggestions are identified influencing the concerned process

-  In the maintenance system for processes the review frequency needs to be

-  When you start a new leadeship (to show you listen, decide, cooperate
    communicate and reflect)

When are Reviews performed

Product Development Lifecycel version 2024-01-29

Is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from its initial concept and design through production, use, and eventual disposal. This approach involves the integration of people, processes, business systems, and information to facilitate the efficient management of a product throughout its life

What needs to be documented?

-  Requirement and scope definition

-  Concept creation and Feasibility studies

-  Design and evaluation

-  Prototyping

-  Testing

-  Production/Deployment

-  Distribution and Launch

-  Training and Sale Support

-  Maintenance and Technical support

-  Scrapping instructions

Everyone is working with the same product. Persons representing Design, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Sale, Support and many more work with the product. 

A readable documentation of the product for everyone is essential.

Different organisational functions have different ways to look at the product (Function ore Parts). This causes miss communication in the organisation

Effective Product Lifecycle Management can lead to improved efficiency, cost reduction, faster time-to-market, and better collaboration among differen
teams involved in the product development process 

Everyone is depending on everyone else

So try to make the communication as easy as possible

But why not go a step further and let everyone work in the same system.

Planned are 4 workshops during Mars 2024

  • No cost for participating

  • No limit in numbers attending the meetings

Diverstity and development of the working groups

12/02 2024



Development plan for each person

19/02 2024



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