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balancing act

Beeing a leader or a coworker is a constant cooperation / balancing act with others

In my experience one of the more important areas to address is the balance between feeling and logic,

in my vocabulary Heart and Mind

Heart and Mind Management

Heart and Mind Management provides Assessment, Coaching, Training, Workshops supporting in management and organisation effectiveness

I have recorded spoken presentations on the following subjects and launched them, and also updated the homepage


General Challenges

  • Make use of all the knowledge in (cross functional) and outside the company (e.g. suppliers, research, competitors)

  • Make sure that everyone understand their role and importance in how development is done

  • Perform activities to mitigate risks (Finance, Quality, Functionality, Requirement and Components)

Can be done in different ways:

-  Waterfall development (usually performed in

-  Iterative development (usually performed in

-  AGILE development

A way to work where you strive to get feedback very quickly, from a working product that has a limited number of working functions.

Letting the feedback lead you in your development.

-  Diversified Development

(performed in daily work) The trend in the industry seems to go this way and it is used by SPACEX and Tesla

Link to 
Diversified Development
 :Blog | Heart and Mind ( / Diversified Development 23-11-20

Planned are 4 workshops during Desember 2023

  • No cost for participating

  • No limit in numbers attending the meetings

Systems Engineering

11/12 2023



Set-based Engineering

18/12 2023



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